Thursday, January 3, 2013

Welcome to my blog, Here you will find a hard working twenty something trying to reign in her spending in 2013 without reigning in her love of style.  I hope to inspire the same way I have been inspired by the many fashion/lifestyle/beauty blogs that I read on a daily basis. 

I have only been reading fashion blogs since around October 2012 and I easily became addicted to them. I love the idea of using pieces within your own wardrobe to create new looks one might not have ever thought about before. One of my New Years Resolutions for 2013 is to create a budget and stick to it and I hope this blog and your support can help me make this goal a reality!

I hope you all had a fabulous New Years but now it's back to work, back to school for some of you, and back to normalcy. I have a feeling 2013 is going to be good for me, how about you?

I will shortly be starting to post pictures of my outfits, my ventures, my wish lists etc. Bare with me as I am a total *newbie* to blogging.

With that said I hope you'll join me on my adventure and I look forward to getting Two.OneFive.Fashion off the ground!
